The Power of Curiosity-Know thyself
Hi Players,
As long as I can remember, I have questioned everything.
I remember lying in bed as a young girl, wondering who I was, why I was born to the parents I was born to, why in this specific time and place.,
Who might I be if I looked different, taller, and skinnier? What if? what if? what if? Endless questions…
I was always occupied with thoughts about my choices;
What if I did this instead of that?
What if I studied something different?
What if I chose a different work, friends, or living place?
My mind was and always is searching for answers, constantly reflecting on my reality.
For a long, long time, I called this way of being by many different names, all negative: Restless, dissatisfied, confused, indecisive, and not good enough.
I believed that there was probably something wrong with me.
It seemed that most people around me were pretty content with how things were. I wondered why I couldn’t be like them, simply going with the flow.
Surprisingly or not, I was fortunate enough to meet the right teacher to change my perspective.
Marsha Wieder. By the end of a year-long program with her, she asked this unique/strange question:
“What mystery school do you serve ?”WHAT?
I thought, What does it even mean?
It is probably new-age woo-woo stuff I don’t get. C’mon, are you kidding me?
Speaking of mystery, let me first describe the mysterious circumstances that brought me to this moment.
I happened to be in the USA at this specific time.
It wasn’t planned; it’s just happened.
I met a dear friend in NYC who is also an inspiring woman full of wisdom.
My friend asked me whether I would like to attend a conference held by Marsh in LA. She knew nothing about it but had another friend recommend it.
After attending the conference, we decided to take Marsha’s long-year program together.
Life happened, and my friend couldn’t make it, and I ended up doing this program by myself.
I have no reasonable explanation for why I did this, including tedious logistical planning that involved flying four times to the West Coast.
The only answer I have is that I followed my way of “being.”
Life works in mysterious ways to set you in the right direction…
Back to the question, “What mystery school do you serve?”. I repeated the question in my head for a few minutes, and it finally landed.
Instantly I wrote this:
I serve Curiosity. This means I will never stop questioning things and will never have all the answers.
I have to accept that there will never be a final answer.
I will always face more and more questions.
Life has endless layers I want to peel.
I am here to peel as many layers as possible with the time I am given to be here.
Suddenly, the entire interpretation of my way of “being” shifted.
My vocabulary was forever changed. I was no longer “restless.”
I became curious, playful, interesting, fun, and an explorer of the universe’s secrets.
Aha, how cool is it? To know and understand thyself.
How often do you make negative assumptions about your way of being?
You are even beating yourself on what might be your most authentic self.
Maybe it’s time to enter the mystery world and find your unique school.
You might be surprised and fall in love with your true – self.
I am grateful for my curiosity for making my life so much more interesting
You are probably wondering what the pictures have to do with this….
Well, I was writing these lines in Yosemite, CA.
I couldn’t help but think that my curiosity would always be as high as a mountain and as mighty as the water.
Its nature is to keep flowing within me
so I had to add a few pictures of the views that inspired me and took my breath away.
I hope it will inspire you to find new meaning in your way of being that will serve your future self.
Playfully Yours,
Rina 🙂