Do we work SMART?

Do you work SMART?


One of the first acronyms managers learn is S.M.A.R.T.
The term Peter Drucker first mentioned explains the five principles guiding managers in setting goals.
A goal should be:
🎯S- specific
🎯A-achievable (or attainable)
🎯T-time bound.
I used this tool extensively throughout my leadership journey, professionally and personally; it’s clear and straightforward.

Yet, as I climbed the managerial ladder, I discovered that Management courses lacked focus on a different ‘SMART’ that I see as a pre-condition for setting any goal.

It was a ‘SMART’ shift in my leadership style.

I think that to work S.M.A.R.T is this :

🦉S- Safe- Our workplaces must be physically and emotionally safe.

Safe is when you can express your opinion without judgment or ridicule.
Safe is when you are not bullied, dismissed, or ignored.
Safe is when you can show up as YOU.
🦉M- Meaning- We all need Meaning.

Humans are ‘making meaning’ creatures. We want to be meaningful and do something meaningful. People tend to think it’s the Leader’s responsibility to create Meaning. Yes, it is. But it’s also everyone’s responsibility to take ownership of what’s meaningful for them and let people know. The Leader’s responsibility is to provide the container that allows one’s Meaning to surface.
🦉A- Acknowledgment -We need to be seen and appreciated

We have all been taught to have yearly and quarterly feedback conversations. I don’t say they are not necessary, but I believe they are a source of unnecessary stress. When I say acknowledgment, I am talking about random “thank you” for a job well done, small wins celebrated when no one expects—surprising someone with a small gesture.
🦉R- Relationship- We need to feel a sense of belonging.

People stay in a workplace where they enjoy being around the people they work with. I am not talking just about the Bosses; they can be a pain. But it is huge if you are surrounded by people who uplift and support you. We must all take ownership of better relationships in the workplace.
For a start, let’s stop complaining gossiping, and start having positive conversations.

To enhance connection, I encourage you to use more PLAY. Check out the ideas on the FUNbreaks tab.
🦉T- Trust- We need to trust others and to be trustworthy.

Trust has always been imperative to thriving workplaces, but trust becomes the foundation as the world changes and we work more remotely. Trust is when you delegate and have the confidence that work will be done without checking and supervising every move. There is a big difference between checking whether someone needs our support or mentoring or hovering like a hawk.

Leaders must show trust first to create trust.


Successful goal achievement should start SMART.


Leadership lessons from a Bear


Play at Work …is possible!