Why have I started to write a blog about PLAY?
We celebrated Rosh Hashana, the beginning of the Jewish year, a few days ago. This time of year is always a time for self-examination. a time to look back at the things I have done in the last year and make new plans for the new year ( similar to New Year’s resolution). I think one should take time at least once a year and make sure that other’s agendas are not pushing the things most important to him.
While thinking of the following year, I couldn’t help noticing the pictures in my office, one “shouting” clearly,” Do more of what makes you HAPPY ” (which I received as a gift from one of my employees) and the other “the best time to start was yesterday, the next best time is NOW.”
Thinking of the things I love and am passionate about, a few things kept coming up: writing, fooling around, experiencing new things while traveling, having fun, and playing.
I always considered myself a player, but until I read Brene Brown’s book “The Gifts of Imperfection,” I had not realized the importance of play in my life and didn’t take PLAY very seriously.
Rina, I told myself numerous times, who has the time to play when there are so many essential things to do? (especially for a financial executive manager like myself).
What I did not know at that time is that, scientifically, PLAY is a vital component in well-being.
So if PLAY is so important and I love to play and to tell everyone (I mean, whoever is willing to listen) about my adventures with PLAY, why not write about it?
And maybe there will be someone out there for whom it will make a slight difference in his life and Happiness.
So the adventure starts NOW….not tomorrow, next year, or when I will have enough time or good enough to do it. NOW!
playfully yours,
Rina 🙂
PS: Those who know me might wonder why I chose to write in English, not Hebrew (my mother language). The reason is simple. First, I made many English-speaking friends I would like to share with them (the more, the merrier). Second, I am an eternal student, always trying to learn more; writing in English, though challenging, is a playful experience. ( sorry in advance for the bad grammar and the poor vocabulary)